When measuring one’s own level of professionalism and ethical behavior: (Place your vote by submitting. Come back often to see what everyone is thinking. Just press RESULTS )

When measuring one’s own level of professionalism and ethical behavior: (Place your vote by submitting. Come back often to see what everyone is thinking. Just press RESULTS )
I believe I have some level of responsibility for the professional behavior and actions of anyone connected to my job duties.
58  65.9%
I believe I am only responsible for my own professional behavior, actions and ethics
12  13.6%
I believe I am responsible for my own and my co-workers’ professional behavior, actions and ethics
10  11.4%
Ethics? We don’t need no stinkin’ ethics
6  6.8%
I do not believe I am responsible to monitor anyone’s professional and ethical standards.
2  2.3%

Number of Voters  :  88
First Vote  :  Tuesday, September 17, 2019 04:55 PM
Last Vote  :  Tuesday, September 24, 2019 12:46 PM