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© Copyright 2023 New York State Financial Aid Administrators Association. All rights reserved.
The information presented on the NYSFAAA website is provided as a service from the New York State Financial Aid Administrators Association to our constituents and represents our best efforts to assist students and their families in pursuing funding for higher education. NYSFAAA is a volunteer association of financial aid professionals representing the various institutions of higher education in New York State. We have collected information we believe to be important and reputable in finding and obtaining financial aid resources; however, we assume no liability for the use of this information.
The New York State Financial Aid Administrators Association, Inc (NYSFAAA) does not receive any money, gifts or compensation, related to educational lending activities, from any "lending institution" as defined in S620(8)a and S620(8)b of New York State Education Law. Hence, NYSFAA does not meet the definition of "lending institution" as defined in S620(8)c of New York State Education Law. Therefore, institutions of higher education in New York and employees of those institutions are not subject to any potential conflicts of interest or legal restrictions under NYS Education Law and their interactions with NYSFAAA.*
*This statement does not constitute, and should not be construed as, legal advice.