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Region 4 Virtual Meeting
Wednesday, March 09, 2022, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT
Category: Events

Happy Spring Semester Region IV,

Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and a good start to your new year! I know we are all getting into the swing of Spring semester, but wanted to get meeting dates out their for planning purposes and in hopes to have more members join in on the monthly meetings.

The following are virtual meeting dates and the last date we would like to do an in person meeting at a location for lunch that has outdoor seating possibly (any suggestions, centrally located to us all would be appreciative).

Wednesday, February 9th 10am-12pm*
Wednesday, March 9th 10am- 12pm*
Wednesday April 6th 10am-12pm*

and in person lunch, May 18th location and time TBD.

* Please let me know if anyone has any topic suggestions for the agenda or if anyone would like to present on a topic at any of the upcoming meetings. Also note, most meetings are not 2 hours long. I try to plan in case we have hot topics that take longer to discuss.

Lastly, please encourage your colleagues in our Region to become members and to get involved with Region IV.

Any questions, please let me know.