Is your school using estimated income on PJs/income overrides related to income loss due to the COVID pandemic? (Place your vote by submitting. Come back often to see what everyone is thinking. Just press results)

Is your school using estimated income on PJs/income overrides related to income loss due to the COVID pandemic? (Place your vote by submitting. Come back often to see what everyone is thinking. Just press results)
Yes, but we’re asking families to wait a specified amount of time (ex: 12 weeks) from the time their income was impacted before allowing them to estimate income for the rest of the year
17  37%
Yes, we’re processing PJs now using families estimated projected income for the next 12 months
13  28.3%
10  21.7%
We’re not doing PJs
4  8.7%
No, we’re waiting until the family files their 2020 taxes before doing a PJ
2  4.3%

Number of Voters  :  46
First Vote  :  Tuesday, April 07, 2020 08:07 AM
Last Vote  :  Tuesday, April 21, 2020 12:48 PM